

Powerful antifungal kills dandruff and nail fungus

Prevent hair loss, dandruff, nail fungus and dry skin using Listerine! Problems like:

  • Nail fungus;
  • Cracked feet;
  • Dry skin (dry);
  • hair loss;
  • Dandruff.

These are problems that many people have or are likely to have.

Capa Para Colchão Impermeavel Matelado Com Elastico Capa Para Colchão Impermeavel Matelado Com Elastico - Imagem 2 Capa Para Colchão Impermeavel Matelado Com Elastico - Imagem 3

Capa Para Colchão Impermeavel Matelado Com Elastico

De R$79,90 por R$23,90 (35% off)

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No one likes to go out with hair full of dandruff, feeling dirty or with brittle and yellow nails. There is a product that promises to solve these problems: we are talking about Listerine, an elixir, antibacterial and antifungal.

Indice de conteúdo
  1. See what it can do for you to grow your hair
  2. Say goodbye to dandruff
  3. Goodbye to nail fungus
  4. Prevent hair loss
  5. Get rid of dry skin on ankles and feet

See what it can do for you to grow your hair

Apply the elixir 3 times a week to the scalp and massage for a few minutes. Then wash as usual.

This will help your hair grow, keeping it soft, silky and healthy. If you do the treatment regularly, you will see results quickly.

Say goodbye to dandruff

You have certainly had or will have dandruff, as it is a common problem for both men and women. It doesn't matter, your hair has a 100% chance of acquiring dandruff and it's horrible.

It comes with the use of gels, styling foams, shampoos unsuitable for your hair type, among other things. When applying Listerine, you will notice the dandruff disappearing.

Goodbye to nail fungus

Nail fungus is another problem, which makes the nails look ugly but also causes pain and, in extreme cases, serious health problems.

By applying Listerine you can help treat these fungi, including making them disappear.

Prevent hair loss

Put Listerine in a spray bottle and spray it onto your scalp while it's still wet. It is not necessary to rinse, as the product needs time to act.

You must do this for 3 or 2 days. It depends on the condition of your hair.

Get rid of dry skin on ankles and feet

Who likes to have cracked or dry feet? Or worse, dry skin? No one!

This is very irritating and can cause pain. To get rid of this problem, prepare a solution with half a glass of warm water, apple cider vinegar and a glass of Listerine. Soak your feet in this mixture for a few minutes.

After finishing the whole process, dry your feet well and apply Vaseline or foot moisturizer. Start your treatments now and say goodbye to dandruff and fungus with this miracle product.

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