

Accelerated hair growth: Can you accelerate hair growth!

The pump shampoo is the most sought after product when it comes to accelerated hair growth. And it's not today that this product makes the head of women who dream of having big hair.

In addition to accelerated hair growth, it promises more strength, resistance and health to the hair. Wow, all this? So, let's get to know a little more about this miracle product?

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Indice de conteúdo
  1. Pump Shampoo for Hair Growth
  2. Recipe 1: Pump shampoo with aloe vera
  3. Recipe 2: Onion Pump Shampoo

Pump Shampoo for Hair Growth

alimentos que ajudam no crescimento capilar

The main benefits of using pump shampoo are:

  • Stimulation of the scalp, helping hair growth;
  • Strengthening the hair fiber, leaving the strands more resistant;
  • Returns to the thread the substances necessary for its development;
  • It replenishes water from the hair fiber, improving hair health.

The use of a good pump shampoo can bring these benefits, mentioned above, for stronger strands with less chance of breakage.

Now that you know the benefits of pump shampoo, do you want to learn how to make your own pump shampoo? Come with me!

Recipe 1: Pump shampoo with aloe vera

You will need :

  • 200 ml of shampoo without salt (transparent).
  • 1 spoon of castor oil.
  • ½ aloe leaf.

Preparation, application and use:

  1. Mix all the ingredients well inside the shampoo container and let it rest for 24 hours.
  2. It will have a homogeneous consistency.
  3. Apply at the time of washing the hair, massaging the root so that the product penetrates well into the scalp.

Use giving a day break, up to 3 times a week.

Recipe 2: Onion Pump Shampoo

You will need:

  • 1 Red or White Onion
  • Shampoo without salt

Recipe preparation method:

  1. Cut an onion into pieces and put it in a blender. Strain the mixture and add this onion juice to a Shampoo and let it sit for 15 days.
  2. After this period, the Shampoo will be ready to use.
  3. Apply it to the root and massage the scalp, let it act.
  4. Rinse hair several times after application to eliminate onion smell.

So, did you like the recipe? Tell me in the comments what your doubts are and how I can help you with your hair 🙂

So, did you like the recipe?

Tell me in the comments what your doubts are and how I can help you with your hair 🙂

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